I use the wacom intuos in flash 4, ( drawing in 5 is weak! gah! I draw in 4 and open the file in 5 when all the art is done)

It seems to me that 90% of the flash drawings out there look the same........same line work, same colors.....
I have been using the wacom tablet for a year now and find it to be a way to really stand out from the rest....( although I may be standing out because I suck at it, haa.) Hey, and please send me links to your site if you use the WACOM.
I am curious, ....please take a look at

everything you see on that page, I drew in flash 4 witht he wacom pen..........any good? bad? sucks?
Any of you have samples or online work using the wacom and flash?
I also did "doggie style" and iSORE, the famous cartoons on
and I used the wacom when I created http://www.distantcorners.com last summer.....
I would be lost without this thing......or am I lost now?

hey and, is the industry dying? A year ago I got a full time job drawing Flash sites with my wacom pen, at 68k a year.......now my office has to close, because they say...the web died.......and seems to me that there are no more flash jobs out there, not even for small money........what happened?


please show me your stuff if you use the wacom to draw in flash! i am curious!