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Thread: [RESOLVED] Get involved - FLASH.project.3d_(rpg)

  1. #81
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001
    yeah..the grass was cool, if you could send me the fla then I can implement it into the newer version. Also if you could make a character would be cool. All you need to do is 'render' it from 4 sides (all diagonal, isometric style)
    In the newer version I added anticlockwise rotation and optimized the code a lot more.
    Also you could try making a map or so, takes a bit of getting used to though, maybe ill make a little help file explaining how to do it.
    What else would you like me to add?

  2. #82
    Sure there is stuff you can help with, Check out Psychoflasers isometric stuff and look through the script see if there is anything that can be changed/added!!

    Maybe work on adding new characters, they can be depicted by a single cube if you want! < please do a couple of different colors though, (so you can see the difference between the cubes),When you are 1 square away (any direction from them you can press a key to talk to them!

    If you want to have a look at doing that please let me know.

    Also everyone who is making an input please could you send me the name that you would like to appear in the CREDITS?


  3. #83
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001
    here is the fla and the swf once again. Just some slight changes.
    hey binary, could you send me that fla with the texures so that i can put then in...that would be cool

  4. #84
    Psychoflasher, have I got more things for you to add?

    WELL SURE, lol

    Would you make it possible to add more textures? Your script would probably need a new array in it to position these characters! Then also I would like to be able to play a mc if you are within any of the surrounding tiles around the character by a key press. The character would also need to be able to move around in a specified set of squares.

    If this is too much just tell me to buzz off. lol


    This is starting to look realy damn cool!

  5. #85
    I missed a bit out of that post sorry, I was meant to say Would it be possible to add more textures.

    Also would it be possible to add characters.

    And I just thought, Objects too, e.g. Trees, birdbath, rocks etc


  6. #86
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001
    I just made it so it can do multi texures, yup, just added another array to store it, then that array is combined into the other one by script. Object shouldnt be much of a problem either, Ill just add another array for that, that will put em on top of the tile. Gimme graphics and Ill implement it into the script. Then you guys can start making levels and $hit once the isometric engine has more options.
    [Edited by PsychoFlasher on 05-28-2001 at 07:12 AM]

  7. #87
    Great stuff Psycho,

    Sounds like cool stuff, Could you send me the fla cos I want to see what limitations I have on the complexity on the objects, I can then make some objects maybe exporting them from swift. Iam wondering whether or not to use vector graphics thats all.

  8. #88
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001
    I have updated the files with some more changes, easier to edit the map. I suggest you start messing with the arrays a little to get the hang of editing the map.
    If you hold on a momment i will add some comments so that it is a bit easier to understand. The code is all in the clipEvent of the map MC.

  9. #89
    Ok that would be great, I have actually messed a little with the map arrays and understand how they work, how have you made it easier to map more textures?

    A few explainations of the script would be great!

    What is the difference from the old file, I can't see any?


  10. #90
    Ok that would be great, I have actually messed a little with the map arrays and understand how they work, how have you made it easier to map more textures?

    A few explainations of the script would be great!

    What is the difference from the old fla file, the swf has changed, but the fla doesn't seem to have, I can't see any?


  11. #91
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001
    I have made 3 seperate arrays for height, type and texure. They then get combined together into the main one. Having it in 3 seperate arrays to edit a hell of a lot easier, otherwise you get stuck with a huge mess that is not easy to work with. I have also added some comments.
    If you have any qeustions about how it works, dont hesitate to ask.

  12. #92
    Psychoflasher, do I have the corect url? I seen to get a fla file with no textures.!!!


  13. #93
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001

    this is the correct file...the other one should have been too...maybe i didnt update the swf and only the fla.

  14. #94
    It seems that you updated the swf but NOT the FLA file!!!

    The swf is using 2 textures and 2 arrows to turn CW and CCW!!!

    The fla doesn't have either of the above!!!


  15. #95
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2001
    hmm...are you sure youre opening the right file? Im 100% sure its the right one online, try deleting the old file out of your internet temp.
    Or Ill just rename it.
    try this link (although it is the same file)

    [Edited by PsychoFlasher on 05-28-2001 at 09:42 AM]

  16. #96
    I cleared my cache and re-downloaded but it's still the same! This may just be me! Sorry if it is!

    Is this the actionscript for the new file?



    type = [[[1,1,6],[2,2,5],[2,2,4],[2,2,3],[2,2,2 ],[2,2,1 ],[2,2,0 ],[1,1,0],[1,1,2],[2,2,1],[2,2,0]],
    [[2,3,5],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0 ],[1,1,0 ],[1,1,0 ],[1,1,0],[1,1,2],[2,2,1],[2,2,0]],
    [[2,3,4],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[2,0,0 ],[2,0,1 ],[1,1,2 ],[1,1,2],[1,1,2],[2,2,1],[2,2,0]],
    [[2,3,3],[2,1,0],[3,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0 ],[1,1,0 ],[1,1,0 ],[1,1,0],[1,1,2],[2,2,1],[2,2,0]],
    [[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[3,0,0],[2,1,0],[2,1,0 ],[2,1,0 ],[2,1,0 ],[3,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]],
    [[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[2,0,0],[3,0,1],[2,1,1 ],[2,1,1 ],[3,1,1 ],[2,2,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]]];

    mapx = type[0].length;
    mapy = type.length;

    avx = 1;
    avy = 1;
    oldH = type[avy-1][avx-1][2];

    function rotate_map (){
    type = type.rotate();
    type = type.rottype();

    Array.prototype.rotate = function (){
    ly = this[0].length - 1;
    lx = this.length - 1;
    temp = [];
    for (var y=0; y<=ly; y++){
    temp[y] = [];
    for (var x=0; x<=lx; x++){
    temp[y][x] = this[lx - x][y];
    mapx = temp[0].length;
    mapy = temp.length;
    return (temp);

    Number.prototype.to4 = function(){
    this = this - Math.floor((this)/4)*4;

    Array.prototype.rottype = function(){
    ly = this.length - 1;
    lx = this[0].length - 1;
    temp = this;
    for (var y=0; y<=ly; y++){
    for (var x=0; x<=lx; x++){
    temp[y][x][1] += 1;
    temp[y][x][1] = temp[y][x][1].to4();
    return (temp);

    function avrot(){
    var ny = avx;
    avx = mapx - avy + 1;
    avy = ny;

    function buildmap() {
    i = 1
    for (y=1; y<=mapy; y++){
    for (x=1; x<=mapx; x++){
    t = type[y-1][x-1];
    this.attachMovie("item", "tile"+i, i*2)
    MC = this["tile"+i];
    t[3] = MC;
    //MC._alpha = 80;
    MC.attachMovie("c"+t[0], "top", t[2]+1);
    MC.top._y = t[2] * -10;
    for (j=0; j<=t[2]; j++){
    MC["h"+j]._y = ((j-1)*-10);
    MC._x = (x*20+y*-20);
    MC._y = (x*10+y*10);

    function rebuild() {
    i = 1
    for (y=1; y<=mapy; y++){
    for (x=1; x<=mapx; x++){
    t = type[y-1][x-1];
    MC = t[3];
    MC._x = (x*20+y*-20);
    MC._y = (x*10+y*10);

    function move(x,y){
    nx = avx + x;
    ny = avy + y;
    t = type[ny-1][nx-1];
    go = true;
    if (nx < 1 or nx > mapx or ny < 1 or ny > mapy){
    height = t[2];
    if (Math.abs(oldH - height) <= 1 and go == true){
    avx = nx;
    avy = ny;
    xoff = (avx*20+avy*-20);
    yoff = (avx*10+avy*10 -height*10);
    av._x = xoff;
    av._y = yoff;
    D = (avx + ((avy-1)* mapx))*2 +1
    oldH = height
    _x = -xoff;
    _y = -yoff;

    time = getTimer();


    time2 = getTimer() - time
    trace ("it took "+time2+" miliseconds to build the map");



    if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){
    movex = 1;
    } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){
    movex = -1;
    } else {
    movex = 0
    if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)){
    movey = -1;
    } else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)){
    movey = 1;
    } else {
    movey = 0;
    if (movex != 0 or movey!= 0){
    move (movex,movey);

    If it is could you please explain the parts that swap textures???


  17. #97
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    nope...that is the old code
    you MUST be doing something wrong...try opening the file from current location. Im sure its the right one.
    the new one has 3 arrays and they are all comented
    something strange going on here

  18. #98
    I have tried that aswell! lol It most definatly is not the new fla. Either that or there was something wrong when you uploaded, any possibility you could re-upload to a new url?


  19. #99
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    why dont I just mail it to you...the one online is REALLY the right one. Try restarting your PC, always seems to fix all my problems
    what email addres should I mail it to?

  20. #100

    Thanx Psycho


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