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Thread: How can I do " ^ " in Flash4

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Flash4 Actionscript. how can I do " ^ "

    Does anyone have an actionscript that simulates the ^ - function from Flash 5 in Flash 4.

    ^ is bitwise XOR

    4 ^ 5 = 1 ( binary: 100 XOR 101 = 001)

    thanx in advance,

  2. #2
    Thank goodness for Flash 5 - it's so much easier to actually have the function. You can duplicate it in Flash 4 but it's a little messy (or at least my code is) - others may have a much more clean, efficient way but here's what I have on file:

    Place the following in a Frame:
    Set Variable: "op1" = 11
    Set Variable: "op2" = 112
    Set Variable: "counter1" = 0
    Set Variable: "counter2" = 0
    Set Variable: "TextField3" = op1
    Set Variable: "TextField4" = op2
    Comment: establish 2 ^ array
    Set Variable: "twoCarot0" = 1
    Set Variable: "X" = 1
    Loop While (X < 10)
    Set Variable: "twoCarot" & X = (Eval("twoCarot" & (X-1))) * 2
    Set Variable: "X" = X + 1
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "I" = 1
    Set Variable: "op1temp" = op1
    Comment: convert operand 1 from dec to bin
    Loop While (I < 256)
    Set Variable: "op1Div" = Int(op1temp/2)
    Set Variable: "op1Rem" = op1temp - (op1Div * 2)
    Set Variable: "counter1" = counter1 + 1
    Set Variable: "op1Place" & counter1 = op1Rem
    If (op1Div = 0)
    Set Variable: "I" = 257
    End If
    Set Variable: "I" = I + 1
    Set Variable: "op1temp" = op1Div
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "J" = counter1
    Comment: convert operand 2 from dec to bin
    Set Variable: "I" = 1
    Set Variable: "op2temp" = op2
    Loop While (I < 256)
    Set Variable: "op2Div" = Int(op2temp/2)
    Set Variable: "op2Rem" = op2temp - (op2Div * 2)
    Set Variable: "counter2" = counter2 + 1
    Set Variable: "op2Place" & counter2 = op2Rem
    If (op2Div = 0)
    Set Variable: "I" = 257
    End If
    Set Variable: "I" = I + 1
    Set Variable: "op2temp" = op2Div
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "K" = counter2
    Loop While (J > 0)
    Set Variable: "op1Bin" = op1Bin & Eval("op1Place" & J)
    Set Variable: "J" = J-1
    End Loop
    Loop While (K > 0)
    Set Variable: "op2Bin" = op2Bin & Eval("op2Place" & K)
    Set Variable: "K" = K-1
    End Loop
    Comment: determine length of each binary operand
    Set Variable: "op1BinLen" = Length (op1Bin)
    Set Variable: "op2BinLen" = Length (op2Bin)
    Comment: if length of operand 1 > length of operand 2 proceed with following "If" statement
    If (op1BinLen > op2BinLen)
    Set Variable: "binLen" = op1BinLen
    Set Variable: "lenDiff" = op1BinLen - op2BinLen
    Set Variable: "counter3" = op1BinLen
    Set Variable: "counter4" = op2BinLen
    Loop While (counter3 >op2BinLen)
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter3 = 1
    Set Variable: "counter3" = counter3 - 1
    End Loop
    Loop While (counter4 > 0)
    Set Variable: "placeTest1" = Eval("op1Place" & counter4)
    Set Variable: "placeTest2" = Eval("op2Place" & counter4)
    If (placeTest1 = placeTest2)
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter4 = 0
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter4 = 1
    End If
    Set Variable: "counter4" = counter4 - 1
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "counter5" = op1BinLen
    Loop While (counter5 > 0)
    Set Variable: "TextField6" = TextField6 & Eval("op1op2" & counter5)
    Set Variable: "counter5" = counter5 - 1
    End Loop
    End If
    Comment: if length of operand 2 > length of operand 1 proceed with following "If" statement
    If (op2BinLen > op1BinLen)
    Set Variable: "binLen" = op2BinLen
    Set Variable: "lenDiff" = op2BinLen - op1BinLen
    Set Variable: "counter3" = op2BinLen
    Set Variable: "counter4" = op1BinLen
    Loop While (counter3 >op1BinLen)
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter3 = 1
    Set Variable: "counter3" = counter3 - 1
    End Loop
    Loop While (counter4 > 0)
    Set Variable: "placeTest1" = Eval("op1Place" & counter4)
    Set Variable: "placeTest2" = Eval("op2Place" & counter4)
    If (placeTest1 = placeTest2)
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter4 = 0
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter4 = 1
    End If
    Set Variable: "counter4" = counter4 - 1
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "counter5" = op2BinLen
    Loop While (counter5 > 0)
    Set Variable: "TextField6" = TextField6 & Eval("op1op2" & counter5)
    Set Variable: "counter5" = counter5 - 1
    End Loop
    End If
    Comment: if length of operand 1 = length of operand 2 proceed with following "If" statement
    If (op2BinLen = op1BinLen)
    Set Variable: "binLen" = op1BinLen
    Set Variable: "lenDiff" = op2BinLen - op1BinLen
    Set Variable: "counter4" = op1BinLen
    Loop While (counter4 > 0)
    Set Variable: "placeTest1" = Eval("op1Place" & counter4)
    Set Variable: "placeTest2" = Eval("op2Place" & counter4)
    If (placeTest1 = placeTest2)
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter4 = 0
    Set Variable: "op1op2" & counter4 = 1
    End If
    Set Variable: "counter4" = counter4 - 1
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "counter5" = op1BinLen
    Loop While (counter5 > 0)
    Set Variable: "TextField6" = TextField6 & Eval("op1op2" & counter5)
    Set Variable: "counter5" = counter5 - 1
    End Loop
    End If
    Set Variable: "TextField1" = op1Bin
    Set Variable: "TextField2" = op2Bin
    Comment: convert bin to dec
    Set Variable: "Y" = binLen
    Set Variable: "decNumber" = 0
    Loop While (Y > 0)
    Set Variable: "decNumber" = decNumber +( Eval("op1op2" & Y) * (Eval("twoCarot" & (Y-1))))
    Set Variable: "Y" = Y-1
    End Loop
    Set Variable: "TextField5" = decNumber

    I have 6 TextFields to display the results (TextField1, TextField2...) I used the division method for determining the binary equivalent of decimal and then reversed it to display the resulting decimal for the XOR. Hope the variables are clear (op1, op2 = operand 1 & operand 2, op1Div = operand 1 Division, op1Rem = operand 1 Remainder etc.)

    Markus B
    [Edited by Markus B on 07-11-2001 at 03:20 AM]

  3. #3
    Senior Member tonypa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Now, this is some coding!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Hi there,

    thanx for the code. it is wonderful how people on the net share their knowledge.

    I found another script on http://www.were-here.com and built my own around it.

    For all those who need to produce Flash4 movies with the Flash5 tool - i for one - I gave the code in Flash5 Actionscript sysntax. the script is by sx and I added my own comments. You can just copy this in your actionscript window. replace the values of num1 and num2 as you like.


    // the first number to be compared
    num1 = 1234;
    // the second number to be compared
    num2 = 23;

    // Convert num1 and num2 to binary.
    // binary values will be held in br1 and br2.

    // the counter. has either 1 or 2.
    cnt = 1;
    while (Number(cnt)<3) {
    set ("br" add cnt, "");
    while (eval("num" add cnt)>0) {
    if (eval("num" add cnt)/2 == int(eval("num" add cnt)/2)) {
    set ("br" add cnt, "0" add eval("br" add cnt));
    } else {
    set ("br" add cnt, "1" add eval("br" add cnt));
    set ("num" add cnt, int(eval("num" add cnt)/2));
    set ("cnt", Number(cnt)+1);

    // fill up the shorter brx with zeros on the left
    // of the string. so that both have the same length
    if (length(br1)<length(br2)) {
    while (length(br2)>length(br1)) {
    set ("br1", "0" add br1);
    } else if (length(br2)<length(br1)) {
    while (length(br1)>length(br2)) {
    set ("br2", "0" add br2);
    // Binary compare br1 and br2. store the result in xor.
    // at any given point in the string xor will be 1 if and
    // only if exactly one of br1 and br2 are 1 at this point
    // in the string.

    // the resulting binary number
    xor = "";

    // another counter. used for running through br1 and br2
    tmp = length(br1);

    while (Number(tmp)>0) {
    if (Number(substring(br1, tmp, 1)) == Number(substring(br2, tmp, 1))) {
    set ("xor", "0" add xor);
    } else if (Number(substring(br1, tmp, 1)) == 1 or Number(substring(br2, tmp, 1)) == 1) {
    set ("xor", "1" add xor);
    } else {
    set ("xor", "0" add xor);
    tmp = tmp-1;

    // convert xor back to a decimal number
    // the result will be held in finxor
    finxor = 0;
    tmp = length(xor);
    multiplier = 1;
    while (Number(tmp)>0) {
    set ("finXor", Number(finXor)+Number((substring(xor, tmp, 1)*multiplier)));
    multiplier = multiplier*2;
    tmp = tmp-1;
    // sx who wrote the original script says:
    // "you see... it wasn't that hard... "



  5. #5
    Senior Member sxdesign's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    ... and actual page to that "simplier" script is on:

    hope it helps...

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