I have been working on a movie that has several sub movies. When the file is first shown all the sub movies but one are stopped, the one that is running goes to keyframe 3 and stops. When a button(any button) is clicked it sends the open file(at keyframe 3) to another keyframe in which nothing is showing, shows a different movie, and then plays that movie. When that movie is done it sends the first movie back to keyframe 3, leaving the page as it appeared before the button was clicked.

All of this works fine when viewed in the program window, IE, and AOL, but when viewed in Netscape any number of things happen. Most typically it will loop the first movie(instead of stopping it at keyframe 3), it will also sometimes play all the movies at the same time while it is loading(this will always crash Netscape), and sometimes it does nothing at all, just sitting there acting like its loading something and nothing happens.

Any ideas as to what I've got happening here?
