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Thread: loadmovie into a hidden mc

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Hi Rich!

    Empty mc's sounds exactly what I *need to do. This is what I have.

    2 audio.swf
    Pre- Intro.swf <-(audio1)
    main.swf (audio2)

    I have the audio as loadmovie in the intro and main. So from your explanation above, I make a mc in the preloader scene to load audio1.swf and an mc on the intro to load the audio2.swf. Is that right?

    I tried and the stop action stopped the whole movie. I need more detailed instructions. I also tested them on line and I need to put preloaders in the main and pg2.swf.

    Please help!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    If you are talking about streaming audio then using this technique in a preloader scene (probably) won't work. Streaming audio should generally be use when there is nothing to load. If you stream audio in the preloader then you will be taking bandwidth away from the main movie. This will probably interrupt the audio and delay the download of the main movie.

    To avoid this you will need to ensure the audio download time in the preloader will not interfere with the main site loading.

    I need more info on exactly what you require. Let me know and I'll help,


  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Hi Rich!

    I've tested my 3X movies on line and having separate movies just doesn't seem right, the thought of having preloaders before each 'cause they are graphic intense seem painful. All combined they are 297k that doesn't seem out-of-line compared to most of the movies I dug out from my cache. At this point, I'm just bewildered. My movie displays great on a ADSL though but not everyone has that.
    This is what I'm working with now, as one file.
    Intro - has music.swf
    Main - has a different music.swf (final stop)= good
    P2 - to display over the main that shows thorough with the music.

    Already stuck here, can't get to P2 from the main- golly.
    And I heard that one can make a hidden mc to loadmovie, thought I could do that with both music.swf and hid them on the preloader?????

    Still wanna help? I would really appreciate it.


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2000
    Yes I still want to help but I'm sill not sure what you want. You'll need some sort of preloader to prevent the movies being jerky on slow connections.

    Yes you can load into a "hidden MC". The first frame of the loaded movie should be blank and with a stop action (after any preloader - but this depends on what you need to do )
    Once the movie has loaded into a movie clip the movie clip can be Tell Targeted to start the clip.

    Let me know in more detail exactly what you require - I'm still not clear,


  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Gee, would you be able to come for dinner?

    Can I add to each movie, both audio.swf, main.swf and P2.swf
    If(_framesloaded>=_totalframes) actions, with a simple preload sequence in the main and P2.

    And then,
    Hide 4 mc's on the Preload sequence to load them and name each instance.
    and set property("/hidemus1",visibility)=0
    then on the intro:
    set property("/hidemus1",visibility)=1
    Begin Tell Target(hidemus1,1)
    Go to Play,(1)

    I'm getting a headache... This seems complicated but, I want to learn how to make this right. I'm hoping to get this together by Tuesday.

    thanks nc.
    [Edited by nchan on 08-27-2000 at 12:40 PM]

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