On an other forum someone supposed these scripts to solve my probs. Somehow this still doesn't work, anyone knows why

If so, big time thanx > i'm realy stuck with this

With your movie clip "testMC" selected, apply an onClipEvent:
// Adjust these two variables to taste
sizeMinimum = 5;
sizeMaximum = 150;
scaleIncrement = 20;
You could store the above variables elsewhere, but it's just as well to let
them be, effectively, properties of the movie clip being manipulated.
Then, for your shrinking button:
if(testMC._xscale > testMC.sizeMinimum + testMC.scaleIncrement){
testMC._xscale -= scaleIncrement;
testMC._yscale -= scaleIncrement;

For your enlarging button:
if(testMC._xscale < testMC.sizeMaximum + testMC.scaleIncrement){
testMC._xscale += scaleIncrement;
testMC._yscale += scaleIncrement;