Do you wish to get swish for free?
Then solve my problem:
I have a movie called index.swf. It has a background sound which is a seperate sound file called loop.swf. I also have three seperate swf files called testlinks.swf,testrechts.swf and testmidden.swf. These are triggered by the roll over action. Now i have two problems:

1. how can i preload the sound loop.swf BEFORE the movie index.swf starts?
2. how can i preload the three test....swf files and not letting them start automatically, but triggered with roll over (when i trie to preload them, they are played when the movie index.swf start.

If one smart flash freak can solve this, he gets the credit on my site and gets swish3d for free! Note: you have to solve it by editiing my files and send them to me. The files are available for download at:

All files are not protected.
I have copyright on these files so do not misuse my design please.

Good luck!

Tom Viguurs