Almost posted on the wrong section.

Here's another idea I had for my site. . .
I did it only at 800 x 600 for now . . . .still experimenting with the colors . . .Most of which are similar except for the Drums and Percussion section.
In the Drums & Percussion section I tried basing the colors around the P.A.S. Logo ( Percussive Arts Society).

Whats a trip is when you mess with the gamma settings. . . . what a difference between 1.0 and 1.8 .

I tried to keep the site very original and interesting to check out . . . . a fine line between too much and just enough.
I've seen some excellent Flash sites with tons of stuff going on but very well put together so it keeps your interest.
Still no sound yet except for my originals. . . I have to get the streaming music part together for that.

My first idea was about 200+ KB

This idea is between 48 and 55 KB so far so I hope that helps with loading on a 56K modem. . . let me know.




[Edited by ljpro1 on 05-11-2002 at 01:14 AM]