What I want to do is to let the users choose a specific scene they want to go to. I used the Radio Button smart clips in Flash 5 and a script from Macromedia. I modified the script a little, and I'm not sure if it's correct. For some reasons, the script could only do TRACE. It could determine which button I clicked on and outputed a number accordingly. But, when I added a "gotoAndStop" action to it, it wouldn't go anywhere.

Could someone please tell me what is wrong with the following script? Or, what's a smarter way to make radio button?


onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (hitTest(_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse, false)) {
for (item in this) {
rButton = this[item];
if (rButton.getState()) {
choice = rButton._name
if (choice == "radioBox1") {
gotoAndStop ("Scene 2", 1) } <<THIS DOESN'T WORK
else if (choice == "radioBox2") {
trace ("2") }
else {
trace ("3")}