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Thread: Changing Button Actions With ActionScript

  1. #1
    How do I go about doing this?
    see I'm doing a thing where a movieclip is duplicated, renamed and then placed under another 1... insid eteh movieclip is a button , so I need to give this button actions...

    I think I could do this by giving the original button the actions and defining the field with expressions like:

    gotoandplay (framevar + 1)

    (Ya I know it's wrong it's just an example)

    that's not the actions I want but the real ones are kinda complex and I don't realy want to do it that way so I'm not gonna figure out the exact actions.

    please help =)

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Smile Try this

    Try this
    Name the instance of the button ( suppose "btn" )
    Then in the frame action :
    btn.onPress = function() {
    gotoandplay (framevar + 1);
    U will be able to manipulate the action

  3. #3


    It works for buttons in the main timeline but I don't know how to make it work for button inside movie clips. I tried

    _root.movieclip.btn.onPress = function() {
    gotoandplay (framevar + 1);

    didn't work. so how do I specify where the button is?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Post it should work

    I think there is something wrong with your gotoAndPlay(); command.
    'cause this is working :
    _root.testmov.btn.onPress = function() {

    I believe you want to manipulate the timeline inside the movie clip, right? in that case try:
    _root.movieclip.btn.onPress = function() {
    _root.testmov.gotoAndPlay(framevar + 1);


    Take care where the variable(framevar)located also.

    Hope it works :-)

  5. #5


    Actualy the gotoandplay (framevar + 1) is just an example, it's not what I realy want the button to do.

    Hmmmm I realy need help on this so I'll explain what's going on in teh movie:

    In the 1st frame there's the #include "artists.txt"
    which duplicates a movieclip, renames changes the text inside it then changes it's position. Then it does the same thing w/ a dif name and text and sets it's x and y coordinates so that it is right under the 1st one... this is what's in "Artists.txt" so far:

    list = 1;

    duplicateMovieClip("lcd line", "Bad Religion", 0);
    set("_root.bad religion.text", "Bad Religion");
    list = list+1;
    setProperty("bad religion", _x, "302");
    setProperty("bad religion", _y, 35);

    duplicateMovieClip("lcd line", "Pennywise", 1);
    set("_root.pennywise.text", "Pennywise");
    list = list+1;
    setProperty("pennywise", _x, "302");
    setProperty("pennywise", _y, 15*list+5);

    duplicateMovieClip("lcd line", "Rage Against The Machine", 2);
    set("_root.Rage Against The Machine.text", "Rage Against The Machine");
    list = list+1;
    setProperty("Rage Against The Machine", _x, "302");
    setProperty("Rage Against The Machine", _y, 15*list+5);

    duplicateMovieClip("lcd line", "The Offspring", 3);
    set("_root.The Offspring.text", "The Offspring");
    list = list+1;
    setProperty("The Offspring", _x, "302");
    setProperty("The Offspring", _y, 15*list+5);

    Now I need to change the actions of the buttons inside each one.

    When I try

    _root.bad religion.button.onPress = function() {


    It doesn't work, there's something wrong with the "_root.bad religion.button" part.

    If you can help me out I'd realy realy apreciate it...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    maybe try this

    i've had similar problems in the past where the script looks correct, but the only thing wrong was that I had spaces in some names of the path.

    My two cents:
    Instead of:
    _root.bad religion.button.onPress = function()

    Try renaming it, so that there are no spaces. Sometimes it's funny like that:
    _root.badReligion.button.onPress = function()

    good luck...

  7. #7


    This is wierd, it works fine if I use

    _root.testmov.btn.onPress = function() {

    On a button inside a movieclip that's in the movie already. But it doesn't work on the duplicated movieclips... any advice?

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Try and set the event functions straight after the clip is duplicated... like this

    // duplicate clip
    duplicateMovieClip("lcd line", "pennywise", 1);
    set("_root.pennywise.text", "pennywise");
    list = list+1;
    setProperty("pennywise", _x, "302");
    setProperty("pennywise", _y, 15*list+5);

    // set event handler
    pennywise.button.onPress = function() {
    gotoandplay (framevar + 1);

    ..... etc...etc....

    I haven't yet tried this but it should work...

    also note: spaces in clip names will not work !

    hope this helps you

  9. #9


    Thanx 4 all the help guys... it turns out the prob had nothing to do with the actionscript, it was a problem with flash, everytime I named the button it would name it back to nothing so I reinstalled and it's working fine... thanx again.

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