Hello there, I've already posted this link on a few other sections on this site, but I've only just got brave enough to post it in this bit. Take a look at it and see what you think http://www.coasterkids.com .There is an issue with the loading times but we are going to be adding a low bandwidth version, as well as a quick access page for people wishing to get to the action as quick as possible. We are going to keep a very friendly ship on the Coasters, the aim being to give the artist not only a platform to show of their work, bringing many varied styles to the site, but also allow them to keep copyright on all the stuff that is produced. With the Coaster Kids, we have the backing of Blackpool tourism (for anyone outside Britain this is the Entertainment capital of England). The Coaster Kids are the new mascots for Blackpool, and they will feature in the Illuminations starting this year, along with a cartoon magazine that will accompany the Blackpool brochure in a few weeks time. All this will lead to merchandise that will appear in the many souvenir shops. Things are shaping along nicely and we hope to push the brand into the main stream as soon as possible. If anyone would like to contact us we to contribute work etc, either use my personal email mbedd@voodoo.uk.com or fill in the pop-up that appears at the beginning of the site. Thanks again