
A have an intro that I get to preload properly.

Here is the script I am currently using:

onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
 percentDisplay=percentloaded + "%";
 if(percentloaded==100 && !initialized) {
  _level1.gotoAndStop (1);
I tried using the above script as a single frame in a "preloader" scene (above Scene 1) in the main (intro) movie, but the percentage always shows up at around 60% loaded, then immediately disappears, and the movie starts to play.

Now, as you can see (i.e.,_level1), I created an empty movie, containing nothing but my preloader script & the (percentDisplay) text field, then loaded my intro into it.
The preloader starts from 0% in this case, but the movie still starts at around 60-70%, while the preloader is still counting down on screen.

I use this same preloader to load music sound tracks on my portfolio site, and it works fine.

Also, I tried using another preloader with this intro, the one which I use to preload my portfolio, but it doesn't work either, altough it works great on my site, under the same circumstances, i.e., as a preloader scene.

Can anyone offer an suggestions as to why these don't work with this intro? I don't want the intro to start playing while the preloader is still on screen counting down, and I'm not catching on as to why I have to load this intro into level one, and preload it from another movie. Any advice?

The intro can be found here:



He is risen!!!