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Thread: Hosting my own website? (Can any help me)

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Hosting my own website? (Can any help me)

    Hello, I'm getting ready to get a website from a great friend and flash desiger... But theres something I know anyone can do.. It just cost some money to get it going.
    How do I host my own websites from my own computer? Or were can I buy dedicated webhosting servers that I can use for myself like a "Sun Cobalt Raq4i"...
    Could I build my own computer and get some program I don't know about that makes it easy as 1-2-3 to host your own fully made flash/html/java/xml website? I know theres a way, or a place you can buy em' I've tried for months looking no such luck. I hope someone can help me here, this is the last place I can think of for help.
    Thank you in advanced, I hope if this gets answerd it can help others as well.


  2. #2
    try http://www.dns2go.com <---its free

  3. #3
    NerdInside's Avatar
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    DNS2Go doesn't provide hosting, they provide dynamic DNS addresses.

    Just get a T1 Internet connection (or higher), build a new computer, setup Linux as a OS, setup Apache as a HTTP server, setup ProFTPD as a FTP server, and then buy a domain name that goes to your IP address of the server. It really isn't hard.

  4. #4
    He has his hosting (his comp), he just wants a domain name to point to it. Shouldn't DNS2Go be fine?

  5. #5
    FK Board Loser
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    You do realize a good dedicated server is about $200 a month, right? Especially the Sun servers (that's what we have)

  6. #6
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    I have a Cable that does 2mb/sec?

    I have a CableModem that runs 2mb/sec all the time it's never gone under 1.544megs yet. I have a 600Mhz E-machine 128RAM(pc-133), 20HD, Geforce 3? Is that enough? And could you point me to a link to get this OS? And that other stuff, I'm really new to hosting my own website as you may have figured out. I appreciate the helping hands. Yeah I could afford those 200+ or more a month websites but.. I want my own rules nothing extreme just no "NO's" I took a look at that dsn thingy, but it's too confusing for me... And how does it support a Flash website and all that? The site gave little info on how to use it. I still need help and suggestions. I'm keeping an eye on this forum.


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I had the exact same problem as you. What I did is I downloaded a web server software thing(go to download.com and search web server). I used my internet, domain name, and IP address for my site for some time. Then just install a firewall so hackers dont hack.

    Contact me if you want some more info or how to's about this topic. Im almost always on

    The webserver I downloaded is at: http://download.com.com/3000-2165-96...ml?tag=lst-0-5

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    I sent you an E-mail through the link uncer your post. I'd appreciate some info... I'm totally going nuts trying to get things done here for the website.


  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    If you have a plenty Fast machine- by your standards, and don't expect a terrible amount of traffic in comparsion to your machine all you would need is a Reliable Internet conection- if the site is small you can get away with dial up but really you want an unlimeted ADSL or Cable Line, a Dynamic DNS, a server and possibly a domain name. something like http://www.no-ip.com will give you a free DNS and Domain name or you can buy your own domain if you pay the full price. A 2 Ghz machine with plenty RAM and a fast conection should be fine.

    If you have NT, 2k, or XP pro you already have IIS however if you have WIndows 98 SE-ME and NT 4.0 you have access to PWS (Striped IIS)for free. If you have XP Home you have to go get a free server like http://www.keyfocus.net/kfws/ or Apache for Windows http://www.apache.org/ if you are using 9X I suggest KFWS as it has a much lower overhead than PWS and is much more secure plus PWS isn't suported (Read Patched anymore so I wouldn't use it) however you won't be able to use ASP but will rather have to use PHP which is fine as PHP is just as nice as ASP.

    I did a hosting test a while back and some simple images and some simple HTML loaded okay and didn't eat to many resources from an old K-6 on a 56K conection. I was able to keep the server up for a few days at a time (5 days 7hrs was my best) on 98 SE with moderate traffic(60-80 hits in an hour). I was using No-IP's dynamic update client and my E-Mail client set to reconnect to the internet every 10 minutes to keep the conection.

  10. #10
    NerdInside's Avatar
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    Re: I have a Cable that does 2mb/sec?

    Originally posted by NormanTheDoorman
    I have a CableModem that runs 2mb/sec all the time it's never gone under 1.544megs yet. I have a 600Mhz E-machine 128RAM(pc-133), 20HD, Geforce 3? Is that enough? And could you point me to a link to get this OS? And that other stuff, I'm really new to hosting my own website as you may have figured out. I appreciate the helping hands. Yeah I could afford those 200+ or more a month websites but.. I want my own rules nothing extreme just no "NO's" I took a look at that dsn thingy, but it's too confusing for me... And how does it support a Flash website and all that? The site gave little info on how to use it. I still need help and suggestions. I'm keeping an eye on this forum.

    Your 1.5-2.0Mbps is the down speed of the line. What is the up speed? If you plan on hosting large files and get alot of traffic, you need a large up speed. 600kbps at least. Hosting Flash files is just like hosting HTML files, any server will do it. PHP, or ASP, are another add-on for servers.

    I have a 500MHz machine with 96M SDRAM that has a DSL 1.5Mb/256Mb connection that I host some junk on. I use DNS2Go as a dynamic DNS client. It runs Linux as an OS with an Apache server. Linux on slow machines runs great. I have never had a real reason to reboot other then some power surges. You can see that it has been running for 10 days with little load average.

  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    Originally posted by NormanTheDoorman
    I sent you an E-mail through the link uncer your post. I'd appreciate some info... I'm totally going nuts trying to get things done here for the website.

    Yes, I recieved your email. Have you downloaded the software I linked to? If you did, there should be a step by step guide on how to do it. Thats about how I learned. I stopped hosting everything except images on my server. Its preety cool.
    Once agin, if you need anything else, feel free to contact me.

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    if you need hosting service, then i would suggest you TheWebPole.com. my hosting company offers you one-stop hosting solution which helps you in various other online services like website building, promoting your website etc everything wrapped under one hood which will save you time and money from going hunting for each services and different places.

  13. #13
    Administrator Steve R Jones's Avatar
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    shalimar - I have a feeling you didn't notice this thread is Ten YEARS old

  14. #14
    Dignitary rynoe's Avatar
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