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Thread: HTML .. can this be done?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2002


    Okay. I wanted to know if there is a way to make a page appear without the toolbar at the top.. I know how to do it using a link, but I wanted to know if I could do it automatically...

    For Example : Lets say you go to http://www.my-web-site.com, the page then appears without that big toolbar at the top of the page.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    i was about to tell you how to do it from a link, but then i realized you already knew that. I've been trying to do the same thing, (get rid of that awful toolbar) with no success.

    sidebar issue though, i can open a window with no toolbar from a link, but am unsure how to do it from flash, any ideas?

    good luck finding the no toolbar answer

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    To do it from flash:

    in head of the html file with the flash movie:
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>
    function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) { 
      newWindow=window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures);
    in flash (on button or whatever):
    getURL("javascript : openNewWindow('URL','WINDOW','height=320,width=360,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no') ");

    i wanted to know about no toolbar without link/button because on my site.. http://www.d3s.net, it opens and resizes the window, and it looks... not to great with the toolbar..

  4. #4
    Flashkit historian Frets's Avatar
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    Oct 2000

    Three ways to do it.

    The microbians way

    The ilayer method (my way adapted from dynamic drive)
    This works in both ie and NN

    The full screen trick
    Put this in the head of your page
    <script language="JavaScript"> 
    function launchwin() 
    newwin = window.open("chromeless.html","WindowName","fullscreen=1, scrollbars=0") 
    Put this in your body

    <script language="JavaScript">

    Or in flash use get url

    Swish users would just need
    On Event

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    did the full screen trick work for you? when i test in browser from dreamweaver, it seems to work, but when I test from web, it's not working.- just pulling up the page with browser and white space and everything

    i tried the method you gave me for opening the window from flash and I got javscript errors

    any suggestions?

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2002
    thanks for the info frets.. I may do it that use one of those... don't know yet.....

    Anyways, your getting problem with javascript erro....hmm... I don't.. You have to have it one the script i said to put in the head of the HTML page, then try it like on the web, or from the HTML page. It won't work unless you load the movie from the HTML page, because the <script> has to be there... I hope that was clear...

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I used the java script that was suggested for opening a set size window, and it's working except for the fact that it is keeping the original window and also reloading the new window into the set size window. Is there a way to just resize the original window when it opens or to get rid of the original window once the resized window opens?

  8. #8
    Flashkit historian Frets's Avatar
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    Oct 2000
    There is a way to handle this.

    It also is a very poor way to handle your visitors and it will assure your site never getting listed on a search engine.
    dmoz/google checks for things such as being able to back button out of a site. If there is no way to back button out of a site the site will be rejected.

    As well you can rest assured that your visitors will never return.
    Visitor hijacking is an extremely lowly and deceptive act.

    Needless to say while there is a a way to handle it.
    I won't be sharing it.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    I dont understand why you call what i am trying to do, visitor hijacking- I am not trying to be either lowly or deceptive. the reason I am looking for an answer to this question is that I am trying to create a feature page that opens a set size from an email link so that we can link people to it from our site using, on click, open new window with set size. and then from a text email message with html link that I can't use on click. the way I'm handling it right now is that I mirrored my index page and on load it loads my feature, not my preference, but still accomplishes the same thing. thanks for the tip, but It would be nice if you would not accuse peole of being deceptive, before you know what they are really after.

    that aside, thanks for your previous help

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Feb 2001
    Hi toaurora,

    practically all browsers remember their last setting. So, if the only browser window that is open is set to your specific size and no controls, and the visitor closes the page, the next time they will probably get a browser with your size and no controls again. I believe that there is no bad intention, but it does not make friends either.
    The usual way is to open a popup on top of the existing browser - when the popup is closed first, the visitors preferred browser size / location will be retained.


  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2001
    sound fine

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