I am not using Flash Com Server but ran into a microphone problem and was wondering if anyone can help.

in the application I am working on the users can record they're own voices and then listen to them. the voice recording is being done locally by a DLL that is installed on the user's machine and being called from the Flash interface using JS, the DLL is using Windows Sound Recorder. the customer wishes to have another feature, while the recording is being done a sound wave graph will represent the users voice, just like in a recording studio. I found out this can be done using the microphone() object and made something very similar to this component: http://www.arckid.com/fmx/arcMicGraph/demo

the thing really looked good, the only problem was that as I suspected both the Microphone() object and the recording DLL could not be used at the same time. when I open the page I can see the graph working but when I press the recording button I get a windows error message:
All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. Wait until a wave device is free and the try again
any ideas, solutions ?
