Trying to create a 'wire' which swings back and forth. A white line antialiased against a black background works pretty well for this. I'm having trouble understanding curveto so far to do this with.

I've got a new movieclip created with
_root.createEmptyMovieClip( "wire", 1 );

and I know how to apply the curveto statement to that, but how do I position where the movieclip is? Keep getting it in the top left corner of the entire animation. Want it to be about 300 or so pixels to the right.

I want to get it to swing with this general statement
curveTo(0, 115, x, 160);

Where -8.5 < x < 15.5 and change x in increments of .5 I'm guessing, but I suppose I can modify that depending on how fast/slow that goes.

Not sure how to accomplish this, since simply
for(x = -8.5; x <= 15.5; x = x + .5)
doesn't seem to work. I'll also need to be clearing the preexisting line somehow, which I know is with the clear() statement but I definetely don't want it to end up choppy.