i am trying to implement the same feature as shown on macromedia's petmarket for the back button.
I created the frameset, a main movie vith buttons and different states, and i put an "history" swf in the second frame.

Everything works fine with passing the state variables to the history.swf with javascript as explained in mm's tutorial (can be found here : http://www.macromedia.com/desdev/mx/...ck_button.html).

by printing out the values in the second frame (for a moment un-hidden) i can see that this part of the trick works.
Now what i can't achieve is the LocalConnection part.
It's not well explained on that page as one can read:

//Setup _global.state_obj with data passed in via FlashVars
_global.state_obj = new Object();
_global.state_obj.mode = _root.mode;
_global.state_obj.catOID = _root.catOID;
_global.state_obj.productOID = _root.productOID;
_global.state_obj.pageTitle = _root.pageTitle;
for(prop in _global.state_obj){
_global.traceIt("propName: "+prop+" = "+_global.state_obj[prop]);
//open up the connection to the main Pet Market Flash movie
var main_lc = new LocalConnection();
main_lc.getBottomFrameState = function(){
return _global.state_obj;
//send the data to the Pet Market Flash movie
main_lc.send("main", "gotoState", _global.state_obj);
As far as i get it, the first part is only wrapping up the data to be passed on so is not much interesting.

Then is created the localconnection, ok, but what's that "getbottomframestate" of which the author doesn't talk anywhere else ?

And what are "main" and "gotoState" in the send call ?

I tried searching information about localconnection objects, but didn't find any documentation from flashmx (who seems not to know that object at all). I found some on MM's site, explaining that the first parameter is name of connection, the second is function to be called, and the third parameter to be passed. Explaining as well that the receiver movie had to create the connection as well.

So now i have something like :

// main movie
var alc = new LocalConnection();
alc.printtitle = function(aString)
// sets a dynamic text field value

// history movie
var lc = new LocalConnection();

but hitting back doesn't make anything appear in the first movie.
What am i doing wrong ?
Is there somewhere a less obscure example than petmarket of implementing this feature ?

Thanks for any help