Is there a way to program the dynamic links in a menu to call up an html page inside a different frame window when the menu is in? this is a dynamic menu with rubs & subrubs. I'm trying to get the subrubs to do the above (the code would be placed in the URLrub section). this is the way the code is set up:

HeightRub = getProperty("Rub", _height);

HSousRub = getProperty("SubRub", _height);

setProperty("Rub", _visible, 0);

setProperty("SubRub", _visible, 0);

setProperty("Bottom", _visible, 0);

setProperty("Border", _visible, 0);

// ------------------------------

// Modify your parameters here

// ------------------------------

ClosingSpeed = 10;

OpeningSpeed = 5;

TotalRubs = 7;

// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

LabelRub1 = "C a l h o u n P a r k";

TotalSousRubs_Rub1 = "1";

LabelRub1_subrub1 = "passion";

Frame_TargetRub1 = "main";

// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

LabelRub2 = "VISION";

TotalSousRub_Rub2 = "4";

LabelRub2_subrub1 = "passion";

URLrub2_subrub1 = onPress.getURL("Location.html", "content");

LabelRub2_subrub2 = "lead";

URLrub2_subrub2 = "";

LabelRub2_subrub3 = "niche";

LabelRub2_subrub4 = "arena";

URLrub2_subrub3 = "";

// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


URLrub2 = "";

TotalSousRub_Rub3 = "2";

LabelRub3_subrub1 = "portfolio";

URLrub3_subrub1 = "";

LabelRub3_subrub2 = "case studies";

URLrub3_subrub2 = "";

// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


URLrub3 = "";

TotalSousRub_Rub4 = "4";

LabelRub4_subrub1 = "campaign";

FrameTarget_Rub4_subrub1 = "try";

LabelRub4_subrub2 = "rich text email";

LabelRub4_subrub3 = "communication center";

URLrub4_subrub3 = "";

LabelRub4_subrub4 = "templates";

// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

LabelRub5 = "REACTION";

URLrub5 = "";

TotalSousRub_Rub5 = "3";

LabelRub5_subrub1 = "proposal request";

URLrub5_subrub1 = "";

LabelRub5_subrub2 = "material request";

LabelRub5_subrub3 = "other request";

// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

LabelRub6 = "CLIENT GATE";

TotalSousRub_Rub6 = "1";

LabelRub6_subrub1 = "project room";

// etc......

// ------------------------------

LabelRub7 = "";