I currently have an HTML page the opens up a new window with a flash intro...once this movie is loaded the flash movie will then call
GETURL("frameset.html", "_self")

I currently have a frameset of html pages that has the following:

FrameTop - frametop.html(contains an HTML page)
FrameLeft - leftindex.html(contains a flash movie in HTML page)

FrameRight - will load various html pages that have movies embeded in the html pages)

In the frameleft frame the movie will use a flash
GETURL("movie.html", "frameright") in order to load the movies into the frameright frame. Now the real problem is with preloading. If I have loaded these movies into levels a preloader, how do I know make use of those movies that I have preloaded? I think the problem I have is with levels. The movies are being preloaded into levels 1-10. When the movies need to be used they use the above
GETURL("movie.html", "frameright"). This is then reloading the movie and not grabbing the preloaded movie. Can anyone help or guide me please?