Here is the code for the page your movie is in, It's supposed launch a flash movie fullscreen with flash Get URL trigger command in first frame of movie but...for me it won't All I get is the trigger command appearing in a normal size new browser window when movie launches.

Concernes- settings in GEt URL window..
1. Window -target frame (ie self, parent, top etc?)blank is not cofigurable!
2. Variables- send or not send? Get or Post?

Whats cool about this script is:

1. it auto configures the new window to fit almost all the new browsers.. I want it to work.(read the trigger page its the second link below)
2. You wont need to make other pages to "launch your new screen"


Place this inside your movie page

<TITLE>Your Page Title Goes Here</TITLE>

Popup Window
Version 2.0
Last Updated: May 7, 1999
Code maintained at:
Copy permission granted for non-commercial uses. Written by Colin Moock.-->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var javascript_version = 1.0;</SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> javascript_version = 1.1;</SCRIPT>


var newwin;

function launchwin(winurl,winname,winfeatures)
//This launches a new window and then
//focuses it if window.focus() is supported.
newwin =,winname,winfeatures);
if(javascript_version > 1.0)
//delay a bit here because IE4 encounters errors
//when trying to focus a recently opened window


Place your movie here.

Here is the trigger script that is placed as an action on first frame of movie As Get URL-
Visit- (read about the browser auto config on this page)

Concerns- the trigger config for fullscreen
1. He says fullscreen=1 works for ie4..i got 5.0 and not workee here. fullscreen=yes?

Code to place in get URL window of action placed in first frame of movie triggers the above script placed in page or is supposed to..Change yourpage.html to your flash page.

javascript:launchwin('yourpage.html','newwindow',' width='+(screen.width - 10)+',height='+(screen.height - 30)+',screenX=0,screenY=0,directories=0,fullscreen =1,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,tool bar=0')

What am I missing here?
If you tweak it and it works for you tell me how..
Icq me 12780343 or ill respond to email notif.