Hi all,

I want to blend two scripts into one:

A preloader script + a script where the MC is being faded to 0% alpha.

I want to combine them so that when the percentage reaches <99%, the preloader MC (preloader) is being faded to alpha 0%.


onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._alpha>=1) {
this._alpha = this._alpha -= 10;

but because of the IF statement of the alpha fade script, I can't really implement it correctly in the if (percent>99) { action. I want it where I now have the _visible property.

And if it would be possible, I would like the '_root.content.gotoAndPlay(3);' line to wait untill _root.coverover.preloader.alpha = 0; (so that would be another IF statement)...
So how to I mix all this into one working actionscript???? Hope someone can help me


onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _root.content.getBytesLoaded();
total = _root.content.getBytesTotal();
percent -= (percent-((loading/total)*100))*.25;
per = int(percent);
percentage = per+"%";
loadBar._width = per;
if (percent>99) {

_root.coverover.preloader._visible = 0;