My CDrom project consists of an mainmenu.exe file which opens a second menu.swf which has a container for loading various other .swf movies.

In these movies, I have buttons which open resources, and a "loading" MC flashes onto the screen to let users know something is happening.

On the buttons, I have:

on (release) {
var_loading._visible = 1;
getURL("resources/WF_Figure1.doc", "_blank");

I have this action on the keyframe:
var_loading._visible = 0;

To remove the 'loading' movie clip, I have this action on it:

onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
var_loading._visible = 0;

Not rocket science, but it makes the loading image disappear as soon as the user comes back to the flash file (from the resource).

Problem is, it was working, and now it's not. Or rather it will work on the first button I click on the screen but not on any others after that.

Many thanks