I'm trying to get around Flash's limited ability to create
a string from a three-dimensional array using the join() function.

Ultimately I want to write this string to a text file using PHP so Flash can then load the string back and create an array from it again for a menu system.

So far I can't get it to deliminate the third level of the string using a third kind of delimiter.... God thats sounds like techy jargon... anyway.

Any ideas how I might transform a three-dimensional array into a string like the following for example: I'm using the "," and the "|" and the "^" symbols as delimiters in this example.
I have also simplified the example to one value per array, I actually have more in my real project.

stringMenu = a1 | a1b1 ^ a1b1c1 , a2 | a2b1 ^ a2b1c1 , a3 | a3b1 ^ a3b1c1

In the above example a1, a2 and a3 would be he first three buttons of a drop-down menu. a1b1 is the first sub-button of a1 and a1b1c1 is the first sub button of a1b1.

Well, I hope that all makes sense, any clever clogs out there can shed some ligh on this black hole then I would be eternally grateful.
