I wish I had checked the sticky at the top of this forum. Well then, here is an alternate way I guess:

There are several ways to get crisp type in Flash. You can disble the Aliasing, tell it to be Device font, use "_sans" font or use a bitmap font but none of these really works that well. The best way I found is to create the text in Fireworks and import it into Flash as a PNG.

1. Create the text you want in FWX. If making it a small point size like 8pt, make sure you turn OFF the auto kern feature.

2. Save this file as a PNG, if you want to do a slideshow thing, put each altrenate text block on a different layer and turn it on and the others off, then save it as a PNG in sequential order i.e. 001, 002 etc. Just make sure to save it as a PNG.

3. Import the PNG into Flash. Flash will give you the option to import all the layers and retain them as editable. Select the Flatten option at the bottom of the window. You don't want the text editable because you'll end up with the same problem as the intro of this note.

4. Compressing: in the import window in Flash, you have the option to leave the import as a PNG or JPEG. Leave it as PNG. If you select JPEG any colored type with have a halow around it.

Originally I tried turning off the Aliasing to text I had created at 8pt (Verdana). I was making a 5 image slideshow of just text. The type looked terrible, with/without the aliasing. I tried making the type a Device font but it selected Times on my machine even though I used Flash's "_sans" font. I tried using just the _sans font without the Device font enabled but no luck there. The file was 18k.

I decided to use the process above (creating in FWX, save as PNG and Import and retain PNG in Flash), my file looks great and the size is down to 12k even when exported as FlashPlayer 5.