I have a problem with my main .swf file resizing the width AND height when I call the js named "flash_resize.js" when I really am only interested in changing the height attribute. Hmmmmmmm . . .

Here is my code in my HTML page for reference:

<div align="left">
<div id="flashid" style="width:800px; height:400px;">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
e = canResizeFlash();
document.write('<object data="#flash_choice#.swf" width="800" height="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">');
document.write('<param name="movie" value="#flash_choice#.swf" />');
document.write('<param name="FlashVars" value="allowResize='+e+'" />');
document.write('Flash Movie With Resizing Content');
<noscript>Javascript must be enabled to view Flash movie</noscript>

Here is my code in my Flash project on a button instance calling this javascript function:

getURL("javascript:setFlashSize('flashid', 800, 200)");

Here is the javascript code for "setFlashSize":

function setFlashSize(divid, newW, newH){
setFlashWidth(divid, newW);
setFlashHeight(divid, newH);

The problem is that when this button is pressed, by entire flash project is scaled by half (in this instance I want to reduce the height from 400px to 200px). This project has a main container movie clip holding all other movie clips. When I change the height on the main container clip, (i don't know why . . . but) the width is also change accordingly and therefore all internal sub_files are changed too for width and height. I only want to have the height changed. On the main container movie clip, in certain instances there is content filling the entire height, but there are other situations where the visible height of the clip is only about 200px high, therefore leaving a 200px white blank space underneath the visible clip and the HTML content immediately preceding the SWF file. What I am wanting to achieve is to have this HTML content below the SWF to butt up against the bottom of the SWF file when it is either at normal size or reduced in height by pressing a button. How can I achieve this? All help is appreciated. Thank you.