
I'm breaking my head on how to load a sequence of images (jpg) from a array, but only start loading the next image if the previous one is fully loaded.

I'm trying something like this:


movies = "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15";
// movies should come from a php script
movies = movies.split("|");
distance = 10;
// distance between images
moviecounter = 0;
// counter for levels and movieclip names
for (movie in movies) {
properties = _root["movie" add (moviecounter)].duplicateMovieClip("movie" add (moviecounter+1), (moviecounter+1));
properties._x += _root["movie" add moviecounter]._width + distance;

I have no idea how to load the serie of images properly one after another.
In the movieclip0 is a preloaderbar for a movieclip inside that movieclip (imageloader).

Thanks for reading.