I have a preloader on a page in which I load multiple swf's into a MC depending on which button you push on the page. The preloader functions correctly when swf's are loading into the MC but I want it to stay at 0% before I load in the first one and it seems to stay at 100%. I didn't know if there was an if and esle statement I could use. I believe this is occuring bc my bytes loaded is equal to my bytestotal bc they both are equal to NAN before any clip goes in. Here's my script as of now.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

loaded = _parent.loader.getBytesLoaded();
total = _parent.loader.getBytesTotal();

if (loaded > 0) {
size = (loaded/total)*100;
size = 0;

progressBar._xscale = size;


How should I edit this to get it to work right? Thanks so much for any help knowledgeable ones.