I am using Hubert's IBP News Export to export the latest topics to a .php file, here is the code that it uses:


# SQL Database information concerns the database IPB is stored in

// SQL Database Host Address
$dbhost = 'localhost';

// SQL Database Name
$dbname = 'database name';

// SQL Database Username
$dbusername = 'database username';

// SQL Database Password
$dbpassword = 'database username password';

// URL path to folder containing index.php of your forum (NO ENDING SLASH!)
$forumpath = 'http://path/to/your/forum';

// Forum ID to export posts from (look for the XX in index.php?showforum=XX part of the forums URL)

// Number or posts to export
$posts = '10';

# Recommended IPB 2.0 Only
// Name of emoticon directory
$emoticons = 'default';
// Name of Image directory
$img_dir = '1';

# Code to export posts. Edit only template areas inbetween the Echo tags

mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword);
mysql_select_db ($dbname);
$topics = mysql_query ("select* from ibf_topics where forum_id=".$forumid." order by start_date desc");
$numberPosts = mysql_query ("select* from ibf_forums where id=".$forumid."");
$maxposts = mysql_fetch_array($numberPosts);
if ($maxposts['topics']<$posts) {$posts=$maxposts['topics'];}
for ($i=0; $i <$posts; $i++)
$topicrow = mysql_fetch_array($topics);
$titleid = $topicrow["tid"];
$topictitle = ($topicrow["title"]);
$postq = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM `ibf_posts` where topic_id = ".$titleid." order by post_date");
$postfetch = mysql_fetch_array($postq);
$post = $postfetch["post"];
$authorid = $postfetch["author_id"];
$unixdate = $topicrow["start_date"];
$date = date("F jS, Y",$unixdate);
$author = $topicrow["starter_name"];
$post = str_replace('<#EMO_DIR#>', $emoticons, $post);
$post = str_replace('<#IMG_DIR#>', $img_dir, $post);

# Variable Explaination
# '.$topictitle.' = Title of post
# '.$post.' = The post text
# '.$author.' = The author of the post
# '.$authorid.' = User ID of author (for profile link)
# '.$date.' = Date written
# '.$titleid.' = Topic ID number

# Change this to your forum's style sheet located in style_images \/
echo ('

<table width="100%" border="1" bordercolor="#7A7A7A">

<img src="images/arr.gif"> <U><b><a href="'.$forumpath.'/index.php?showtopic='.$titleid.'">'.$topictitle.'</U></a></B><br><br /></td></div>

<div align="left">'.$post.'</div><br>

<center>Posted on <B>'.$date.'</B> by <a href="'.$forumpath.'/index.php?showuser='.$authorid.'"><B>'.$author.'</B></a> - <b><a href="'.$forumpath.'/index.php?showtopic='.$titleid.'">Comments</B></a></center><hr></table>
echo('<center><strong><a href="http://www.gta-ultra.net/index.php">IPB News Export By Hubert</a></center></strong>')

And to export it into a .php file, I just used:
<?php include("Forum/ipbnews.php");

but now I have a problem. How do I get this info into flash? I was thinking I'd make it export into a text file and then have flash read off it, but how would I get it to export to a text file, or is there another way of doing it?
