I am using a free script from hotscripts for multiple file uploads....I uploaded all files to server and tried it, and this is the error I get:

Warning: move_uploaded_file(naturaltalent.cc/xml2/files//signed.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /hsphere/local/home/naturalt/naturaltalent.cc/xml2/uploader.php on line 116

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpM2CkCe' to 'naturaltalent.cc/xml2/files//signed.jpg' in /hsphere/local/home/naturalt/naturaltalent.cc/xml2/uploader.php on line 116

here is the php code from the script:

Multifile Uploader Script - Copyright © Teletone [Canada] / 2t2.com
Author : Gordon Black
Contact : gordon@2t2.com
Last Modified : April 27, 2005
This script may be freely distributed as long as this header remains intact

// Config
$dirUploads = "files/"; // The directory the files will be uploaded to
$showDir = "yes";
$numUploads = "10"; // Number of upload blanks to be shown on page
$limitFiles = "yes"; // Allow only certain filetypes?
$showAllowedFiles = "yes"; //
$allowedFiles = array("jpg", "swf"); // Allowed filetypes
$mainTableWidth = "75%";
$stylesheet = "uploader_style.css";
$showCopyright = "yes"; // not required, but the script IS FREE
// Security
$reqSecure = "yes"; // Passcode control?
$userPassword = "2355";
// Screen Text & Error Messages - can be changed to any language
$loginpageMsg = "A Passcode Is Required";
$uploadpageMsg = "Select The Files To Upload";
$passwordText = "Passcode :";
$loginButtonText = "Go To Upload Page";
$logoutText = "logout now";
$allowedfiletypesText = "Allowed Filetypes";
$lineText = "File";
$uploadButtonText = "Upload Files";
$statusText = "Upload Status :";
$nofileText = "No file selected for upload";
$notallowedText = "NOT ALLOWED";
$existsText = "ALREADY EXISTS";
$successText = "has been uploaded";

$pageTop = "<html><head><title>$caption</title><link href=$stylesheet rel=stylesheet type=text/css></head><body><div align=\"center\" class=caption>$caption</div>";

$pre = "Multifile Uploader";
$version = "2.0";
$startdate = "2003";

$copyright ="&nbsp;<p><div align=center class=copybar>$pre (v.$version) Copyright © $startdate - ". date ("Y")." <a href=http://www.2t2.com target=_new>Teletone [Canada] / 2t2.com</a></div>";

$pageBottom = "</body></html>";

// session management
if($reqSecure == "yes") {
if (!session_is_registered("mfupload")) {
if (isset($_POST["password"]) && $_POST["password"] == $userPassword) {
$_SESSION["mfupload"] = $_POST["password"];
header("Location: $PHP_SELF");
else {
// login page
echo $pageTop;
echo "&nbsp;<p><div align=\"center\" class=sitetag>$loginpageMsg</div>";
echo "&nbsp;<p><div align=\"center\"><table border=0>";
echo "<form name=loginform method=post action=$PHP_SELF>";
echo "<tr><th>$passwordText</th><td><input type=password name=password style=\"width: 135px;\"></td>";
echo "<th>&nbsp;</th><td><input type=submit class=button value=\"$loginButtonText\" style=\"width: 135px;\"></td></tr>";
echo "</form></table></div>";
echo "<script language=javascript>document.loginform.password.se lect();document.loginform.password.focus();</script>";
if($showCopyright == "yes") {
echo $copyright;
echo $pageBottom;

// kill session
if($_GET["action"]=="logout") {
header("Location: $PHP_SELF");

if($doupload) {
global $allowedFiles;
$num = 0;
while($num < $numUploads) {

$upFile = "dofile$num"."_name";
$upFile1 = $$upFile;
$upFile2 = "dofile$num";
$upFile3 = $$upFile2;

$ext = substr(strrchr( $upFile1 , "." ), 1);
$ext = str_replace("jpeg", "jpg", $ext);

$size = filesize($upFile3)/1024;
$size = round($size,1);

// error messages
if($upFile3 == "") {
$msg_upload .= "<tr><td>$lineText $num :</td><td colspan=2>$nofileText</td></tr>";
elseif($limitFiles == "yes" && !in_array($ext,$allowedFiles)) {
$msg_upload .= "<tr><td>$lineText $num :</td><td><b>$upFile1</b></td><td>$notallowedText</td></tr>";
elseif(file_exists("$dirUploads/$upFile1")) {
$msg_upload .="<tr><td>$lineText $num :</td><td><b>$upFile1</b></td><td>$existsText</td></tr>";
else {
// everything OK
move_uploaded_file ($upFile3, "$dirUploads/$upFile1");
$msg_upload .="<tr><td>$lineText $num :</td><td><b>$upFile1</b> ($size)</td><td>$successText</td></tr>";

// upload page
echo $pageTop;
if ($reqSecure == "yes" && session_is_registered("mfupload")) {
echo "<div align=\"right\"><a href=$PHP_SELF?action=logout>$logoutText</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>";
echo "<div align=\"center\" class=sitetag>$uploadpageMsg</div>";
echo "&nbsp;<p><div align=\"center\"><table width=$mainTableWidth border=\"0\" class=bodytable>";
if($showAllowedFiles == "yes") {
echo "<tr><th colspan=2><div align=\"center\">$allowedfiletypesText : ";
for($i=0;$i<count($allowedFiles);$i++) {
if (($i<>count($allowedFiles)-1))$commas=", "; else $commas="";
echo $value.$commas;
echo "</div></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td width=50%><table width=100% border=0>";
echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">";
$num = 0;
while($num < $numUploads) {
echo "<tr><th style=\"width: 20%;\">$lineText $num:</td><td><input name=\"dofile$num\" type=\"file\" style=\"width: 100%;\"></td></tr> ";
echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\">&nbsp;</td><td><input name=\"doupload\" type=\"submit\" value=\"$uploadButtonText\" class=button style=\"width: 100%;\"></td></tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table></td>";
echo "<td width=50%><div align=\"center\"><table width=95% border=0 class=msg_table>";
if($msg_upload) {
echo "<tr><th colspan=3><div align=\"center\">$statusText ";
if($showDir == "yes") {
echo $dirUploads;
echo "</div></td></tr>";
echo $msg_upload;
echo "</table></div></td></tr></table></div>";
if($showCopyright == "yes") {
echo $copyright;
echo $pageBottom;

How do I fix this? Please help I am going nuts!