I really never wanted to get into Flash for webdesign, as I was doing more game scripting, etc.

However, I decided to purchase a domain and got it hosted... The site has been through numerous changes, and the entire 'skin' of it has been changed countless times.

I designed this, myself... keep in mind, I am a flash noob. (Kinda.)


(Erm... don't bother the download section. )

So, my first of a few problems.

A) I can't get google to track my site. (Can I help this by using metatags, and if so, how?)

B) The music in the background is running off of a simple html script. This, however, I want to change. I want the end user to be able to enable/disable the music according to his/her fancy. How should I go about doing this? I have already fired up photoshop, and created an 'on' and an 'off' icon, but as to relating the click to stop the music.. how should I do so? The way I have the site set up, atm, is simply using flagged keyframes.
on (release) {
	gotoAndPlay ("Home")
This works fine, but when I want to add the music, I don't see a way (maybe im blind) to stop the music (unless I make it a symbol of its own?) without stopping the entire timeline, and the timeline I use jumps to different frames on each click of a button.

So, the question is, how may I add user interaction for the music?

Thank you!