Hi All
I am working on a info box mc it will have some text and video. It should be dragable. but I do want the video controls to work. I am using beginDrag function from http://proto.layer51.com/d.aspx?f=845 as there are multiple things dragging. I have
infoBox.onMouseDown = function() {
beginDrag(infoBox, false);

so that works on pressing the info box it drags. How ever you really cant use the video scroller as when you try to drag it it also drags the movie.

the marines site does pretty much what I want.
if you click on the navigation with the black lady with a cap and roll over the top left orange square that is what I want you can drag the info box but not when your scrolling the video forward. I have tried doing endDrag() when mouse is of the area but it creates problems. Any help would be great.