I'm currently using an XML file to load an image and menu-name into a list component and would like to add a description field to this.
I have added another attribute to my XML file called 'desc' so the file is now arranged:

PHP Code:
listitem name="Le Mans 06, 0-5" url="http://www.dedicatedmicros.com/ukftp/FLVHUB/FLV/" thumb="1.jpg" desc="some text">
stream name="1.FLV" start="0" len="-1"/>
After dropping a dynamic text field onto the stage instance named 'description', I have attempted to modify the xmllist.load code but despite not firing any errors, this has not resolved the issue:
That code is as follows: (changes are proceeded by '//-')
PHP Code:
//-------------------------LIST SELECTION CHANGE-----------------------------
//Add an event listener on the list, when it triggers, run the listListener function to repopulate the list

//Function that loads the XML file, parses it, and builds the list of available video clips
var xmllist = new XML();          //setup a variable to hold the XML
xmllist.ignoreWhite true;
xmllist.load"video_playlist.xml" );     //load the XML file
    //The following gets called when the XML has been loaded
xmllist.onLoad = function( status )  {
        if ( !
status )
tracestatus );
entries this.childNodes[0];
playlists = {};
nav = [];
//-        var description = {};
//-        var descrip = [];
for ( var 0entries.childNodes.lengthi++ ) {
entry entries.childNodes[i];
            if ( 
entry.nodeName == "listitem" )
//builds array of video clip names
playlists[entry.attributes.name] = entry;
            else if ( 
entry.nodeName == "menu" ) {
//builds array of available videos
for ( var 0entry.childNodes.lengthj++ )
nav[j] = playlists[entry.childNodes[j].attributes.name];
//-            if ( entry.nodeName == "desc" ) {
//-                //builds array of descriptions
//-                description[entry.attributes.desc] = entry;
//-                for ( var k = 0; k < entry.childNodes.length; k++ )
//-                descrip[k] = //-description[entry.childNodes[k].attributes.desc];
//end else if
//end if

        //sends the array of videos to the listbox UI
list.dataProvider nav;
desc.text descrip;
//end xmllist.onload 
Was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction as to where i'm going wrong with this one as i've attempted various things now but have not had success with any.

If anyone can offer any assistance here I would be very appreciative,
