Recently while testing a flash application (I will refer to as MAIN) that utilizes the LocalConnection, an odd behavior has occurred only when running Yahoo Toolbar.

MAIN opens pop-ups (I will refer to as SUBS) using getURL("javascript: openSUB(subName)"). The openSUB function is defined as follows:
function openSUB(subName) {
		var winWidth = 961;

		var winHeight = 571;

		var winx = (window.screen.availWidth-winWidth)/2;

		var winy = (window.screen.availHeight-winHeight)/2;

		var newWin ="subWindow.php?subname=" + subName, "_blank", "width=" + winWidth + ", height=" + winHeight + ", left=" + winx + ", top=" + winy + ", toolbar=0, scrollbars=0, status=0, resizable=yes");




The SUB, after loading, calls a function using MAIN's LocalConnection. MAIN then returns the call to the SUB's LocalConnection. MAIN will always successfully call a function in SUB (the onStatus function is always SUCCESS when using call()).

The peculiarity comes in when Yahoo Toolbar is running in IE 6 (or sometimes in 7). The first time a specific SUB is opened, the calls are made both ways and the SUB executes the function called by MAIN. When the SUB's window is closed and then reopened from MAIN, the calls are made the same. This time, the SUB's function called by MAIN does not execute, though MAIN's onStatus function promotes otherwise.

Does anyone have experience with LocalConnection or Yahoo Toolbar and javascript to help troubleshoot? I am open to any ideas, comments, suggestions.