Ok, I've been working on a simple chat interface, and i'm using JSON for the data transfer as opposed to XML. If you haven't messed with JSON, you can read up on it at www.json.org

Ok, so I'm having issues loading json text into LoadVars and parsing it using the JSON class - it always returns "undefined" as the object type. here's what I'm using for the code:

import JSON;
var objJSON = new JSON();
var chitchat: LoadVars = new LoadVars();

chitchat.onLoad = function(success){
		try {
			var o:Object = objJSON.parse(unescape(this.toString()));
			var s:String = objJSON.stringify(o);
		} catch(ex) {
			trace(ex.name + ":" + ex.message + ":" + ex.at + ":" + ex.text);
	} else {
		trace('Unable to load JSON data from source!');

chitchat.chitChatFull = 1;
I also found that when loading JSON into LoadVars, the actual JSON text comes in as a property of the LoadVars object. using this code:

	for(var prop in chitchat){
		trace(prop + ' -> ' + chitchat[prop]);
I get output results:

{...json text here...} -> 
onLoad -> [type Function]
Which is kinda strange. Also, should the json text have any json related tags:{, }, = then the text gets broken up into multiple properties of the LoadVars object, so it really throws a wrench into things.

Last but not least.... Flash won't eval a string into an object
var jsonText = '{prop1:"hello world!"}';
var objTest = eval(jsonText);
trace(typeof objTest); // undefined!
var objTest = {prop1:"hello world!"};
trace(typeof objTest); // object
trace(objTest.prop1); // hello world!
What gives???