Hello all,

I've asked about this piece of actionscript before and gotten very good help. I'm pretty close to understanding what happens. I can see how the menu is setup and all. There is just one thing I don't see yet.

Where in this script are the actions attached to the menu-items. I can't seem to figure that out. Can anybody else see it?

Dynamic List
Initial Setup (Don’t Change)

function setUpList() {
with (mcList) {
with (mcListTitle) {
txtListTitle.text = itemsA.listTitle;
txtListTitle.autoSize = true;
bigW = _width;
with (mcPart0) {
mcListText.txtItem.text = itemsA[0].labelText;
mcListText.txtItem.autoSize = true;
lastY = _y;
myDepthM = 5;
intY = _y;
intW = mcListBG._width;
intHeight = mcListBG._height;
if (mcListTitle._width>mcPart0._width) {
bigW = mcListTitle._width;
} else {
bigW = mcPart0._width;

Distance Between Menu Items

////// **** change number to how many pixels you want between menu items
////// **** default is 25
ySpace = 20;
////////////////////// MENU BUILD (DON'T CHANGE) ///////////////////
function buildList() {
for (i=1; i<itemsA.length; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip(mcList.mcPart0, "mcPart"+i, myDepthM++);
with (mcList["mcPart"+i]) {
_y = lastY+ySpace;
mcListText.txtItem.text = itemsA[i].labelText;
mcListText.txtItem.autoSize = true;
lastY = _y;
myW = _width;
if (myW>bigW) {
bigW = myW;
with (mcList) {
topHeight = mcListTop._height;
mcListTop._width = bigW+40;
with (mcListBG) {
_width = bigW+40;
_height = lastY;
bgHeight = _height;
with (mcListBGBottom) {
_y = bgHeight+topHeight-3;
mcRect._width = bigW+40-(mcCornerL._width*2);
mcCornerR._x = mcRect._width+(mcCornerL._width*2);
_x = _x-(bigW-intW);

Menu List Buttons Code

**** minNameLength = mcPart0 length
minLNameLength = 7;
animNum = 0;
function listButtons() {
for (i=0; i<itemsA.length; i++) {
mcList["mcPart"+i].onRelease = function() {
if (goToView != 99) {
myLastClickedNum = myClickedNum;
clicked = 0;
for (j=0; j<=2; j++) {
nLLength = this._name.length;
myClickedNum = myLNum;
trace(myLastClickedNum+"myLastClickedNum 1");
trace(myClickedNum+"myClickedNum 1");
mcList["mcPart"+i].onRollOver = function() {
nLLength = this._name.length;
mcList["mcPart"+i].onRollOut = function() {
nLLength = this._name.length;
for (j=0; j<=itemsA.length; j++) {
if (j != myClickedNum) {
function getLNum(which) {
if (nLLength == minLNameLength) {
myLNum = mcList[which]._name.substring(nLLength-1, nLLength);
} else {
myLNum = mcList[which]._name.substring(nLLength-2, nLLength);
return (myLNum);