First of all, this is my first time working with flash, so I'm a beginner at flash. Today I created my first flash file, located here

As you can see, the motion of the ball and the slider is a bit jaggy, this is because I am increasing the x and y values by 8. If I lower this value the ball and slider will move too slow. How can I create a fluent motion (which is very common in flash movies) in my movie? Here is the source code (fps of movie is set to 30):

// Variables
var slider_speed:int;
var ball_speed:int;
var ball_direction:Number;

// Events
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keypressHandler);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateBall);

// Reset the game once

function resetGame():void {
	// Default ball properties
	ball_speed = 8;
	ball_direction = Math.PI * -7/9;

	ball_mc.x = 40;
	ball_mc.y = 80;
	ball_mc.width = 20;
	ball_mc.height = 20;
	// Default slider properties
	slider_speed = 8;
	slider_mc.x = 80;
	slider_mc.y = 380;
	slider_mc.width = 120;
	slider_mc.height = 10;

function updateBall(handler:Event):void {
	var newX = ball_mc.x + ball_speed * Math.sin(ball_direction);
	var newY = ball_mc.y + ball_speed * Math.cos(ball_direction);
	// Prevent ball from exiting stage
	if ((newX < 0) || (newX + ball_mc.width > stage.stageWidth)) {
		ball_direction *= -1;

	if (newY < 0) {
		ball_direction = (ball_direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (Math.PI - Math.abs(ball_direction));
	if (newY + ball_mc.height > slider_mc.y) {
		// Check if user has bounced the ball
		if ((newX > slider_mc.x) && (newX < slider_mc.x + slider_mc.width)) {
			ball_direction = (ball_direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (Math.PI - Math.abs(ball_direction));
		else {
			// Game Over
	// Set new X and Y	
	ball_mc.x = newX;
	ball_mc.y = newY;
function keypressHandler(handler:KeyboardEvent):void {
	// Move slider either left or right
	if (handler.keyCode == 37) {// LEFT
		slider_mc.x -= slider_speed;
	if (handler.keyCode == 39) {// RIGHT
		slider_mc.x += slider_speed;
	// Prevent slider from going off-screen
	if (slider_mc.x < 0) {
		slider_mc.x = 0;
	if (slider_mc.x > stage.stageWidth - slider_mc.width) {
		slider_mc.x = stage.stageWidth - slider_mc.width;