I dont often venture in here, but I had a thought the other day while searching for older threads in the Arena.

Advanced features for new threads.

- Subcategories for thead:
1: Image Category: Photoshop / Vector / Vexel
2: Genre: Horror / Humor / Glamorous / Contemporary / Etc
3: Battle Type: Open Battle / Set Challenge / Open Challenge / Forum Competition / Community Challenge

1: Would make searching for specific threads easier by narrowing down the fields.
2: Would make it easier to recognize the type of thread you are interested in at a glance on the Tread Indexes.
3: Because I came up with it, it will rock the hell out of everything! MUUUAHAHAHAHA
4: I had a whole list of benefits last night which I forgot, and the first two are the most important ones anyway so lets just leave it at that.

I'd like to suggest adding these fields to the existing "new thread" page, I don't think it would be necessary to sub categorize the thread indexes themselves, with the idea of this "advanced" information being displayed under the thread title.

Natsia vs Gerbick: I'm a Calling You Out!
Vexel, Contemporary, Set Challenge
Just a thought! Use it / Dont use it. OK BYE!