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Thread: [F8] script help random slideshow

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    [F8] script help random slideshow

    I am a relative newbie. I have an autoplay random image xml slideshow. The problem is, I don't want the images to repeat until all of them have been shown. I've see posts with some hints about this, something about "shuffle" but I don't know what script or where I should add or change it. Any direction would be greatly appreciated!!!!

    Here's the script:
    var oldVar = 0; // keep track of previous random number
    var newVar = 0; // used to load the next image
    var si = 0; // interval variable

    //: GET XML
    var my_xml = new XML(); // create our xml object
    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true; // tell object to ignore all the white space in the file
    my_xml.onLoad = function (success) { // when load function is called, pass a temp variable
    if (success) { // if the temp variable was passed; file was loaded

    // now that the xml has loaded successfully
    // lets setup our final variables

    library = this.firstChild.childNodes; // get all the <jpg> nodes
    maxVal = library.length; // max number of fotos

    // now that we've retrieve our xml ...
    delete my_xml; // delete our xml object
    getImage(); // load first image

    } else { // if the temp variable was not passed; file was not loaded
    desc_txt.text = 'Error: XML Not Loaded'; // display an errorr message on your text field

    function getImage() {
    newVar = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxVal); // get random number
    if (newVar == oldVar) { // if number = old number..
    getImage(); // get a number
    } else { // else
    oldVar = newVar; // set old to new number
    container_mc.loadMovie (library[newVar].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue); // load the next image
    container_mc._alpha = 0; // set its alpha to 0
    this.onEnterFrame = function () { // create loop
    if (container_mc._width > 0) { // check that the image has been loaded
    container_mc._x = Stage.width / 2 - container_mc._width / 2; // center movieclips to stage
    container_mc._y = Stage.height / 2 - container_mc._height / 2; // center movieclip to stage
    container_mc.onEnterFrame = fadeIn; // start fading out
    desc_txt.text = library[newVar].firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue; // display the images description
    delete this.onEnterFrame; // delete loop

    function fadeIn () {
    if (this._alpha <= 100) { // if the movieclips alpha is greater than 0
    this._alpha += 5; // reduce alpha by 5
    } else { // else
    this._alpha = 100; // reduce alpha to 0
    delete this.onEnterFrame; // delete handler
    si = setInterval(fadeOut, 2000); // after 2 seconds, fade out the movieclip

    function fadeOut () {
    clearInterval(si); // clear the interval variable
    container_mc.onEnterFrame = function() { // create loop to fade out
    if (this._alpha >= 0) { // if the movieclips alpha is greater than 0
    this._alpha -= 5; // reduce alpha by 5
    } else { // else
    this._alpha = 0; // reduce alpha to 0
    delete this.onEnterFrame; // delete handler
    getImage(); // load the next image

    Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    var myArray = new Array();
    for (i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
    var control = true;
    while (control) {
    j = int(random(this.length));
    if (myArray[j] == undefined) {
    myArray[j] = this[i];
    control = false;
    return myArray;

    library = this.firstChild.childNodes; // get all the <jpg> nodes
    randomLibrary = library.shuffle();

    That should work

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Where do I put the code?

    Thanks for the quick response!! I'm really going to reveal my ignorance now...
    Where in my script do I put the code you supplied?
    Again, thanks so much for your help

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    the prototype goes somewhere at the top and just put in the shuffle right after you make the array

    /: GET XML
    var my_xml = new XML(); // create our xml object
    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true; // tell object to ignore all the white space in the file
    my_xml.onLoad = function (success) { // when load function is called, pass a temp variable
    if (success) { // if the temp variable was passed; file was loaded

    // now that the xml has loaded successfully
    // lets setup our final variables

    library = this.firstChild.childNodes; // get all the <jpg> nodes

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