
Just finished this API for layout management. I did this because I'm about to make my new website, wishing to get the layout done in an easier way.

I dound setting a DisplayObject to a position not relative to the top-left origin quite annoying, since every time I do so I must recalculate lots of geometric relationships. So I decided to end this pain once and for all. Now sticking a DisplayObject to stay at (-20, -20) relatively to the bottom-right corner of the browser can be easily done, no matter how the browser's size changes~

Click here to download Floater: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b9590100...PI/Floater.rar

Here are two examples:
1.SWF http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b9590100...ode%20demo.swf
FLA http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b9590100...ode%20demo.rar

2.SWF http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b9590100...ed%20ratio.swf
FLA http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b9590100...ed%20ratio.rar

Floater API provides nine kinds of align mode:top-left, top-center, top-right, middle-left, middle-center, middle-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right. You have to create a Floater object, which is a descendant of the Sprite class, to contain the DisplayObject whose layout you would like to setup. And create a FloaterManager and invoke its addFloater() to add the Floater object to it's floater list. Now, the relative position data is applied to the Floater relative to the FloaterManager, which is also a descendant of the Sprite class.

hope you find it useful~
