hi =)

i have the following mxml:

<mx:Canvas id="outerCanvas">
<mx:VBox id="outermostVbox">
<mx:VBox id="vbox1"></mx:VBox>
<mx:Canvas id="innerCanvas"></mx:Canvas>
<mx:VBox id="vbox2"></mx:VBox>

during runtime, this whole mxml is placed inside a draggable panel. "innerCanvas" contains a graph/map representation that is created dynamically during runtime. let's forget for the meantime about "vbox1" and "vbox2" contents...

anyway, after "innerCanvas" is created during runtime, it is zoomed out. but, after zoom out, i need it (the map) to center... or to focus at a certain point (but that's another story). i accomplish this by targetting "outermostVbox" using an <mx:Move>... so i did that. however, although the map *did* center, the problem is that the scrollbars on the "outerCanvas" remained at 0 (and yes, the scrollbars belonged to "outerCanvas" and not the draggable panel or the other components). the consequence of this is that since the scrollbar is 0 and the map centered, whatever fell to the *left* of the viewable area gets clipped... that's why i need the scrollbar to move so that it would adjust according to the position of the map... which it doesn't in my case.

so i debugged and i found out that the maxHorizontalScrollPosition is 0 so i can't pretty much move the scrollbar... no matter where i looked, that position is always 0... be it in the parent or the other children, etc. etc. so... the part of the map outside of the viewable area is still unviewable...

i tried various means... from manipulating the size of the "innerCavas" so that the "outerCanvas" would recognize the child canvas' dimensions (and hopefully reassess that there IS a scrollbar so that the maxHorizontalScrollPosition would have a value other than 0) to changing values of the scroll policies to other things including the use of horizontalCenter and verticalCenter ^^; however, it - the scrollbar - just doesn't want to move...

thanks in advance