How do I utilize this code to scroll my flash site? It is an flash class created by devonair submitted to the flash community. Having problems working with the class to scroll my entire site content as I am using full browser flash coding as well.

import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Transform;

class com.onebyonedesign.utils.OBO_FullScrollBar {

private static var OBO_FSB:OBO_FullScrollBar;

private var _content:MovieClip;
private var _scrollValue:Number;
private var _easeAmount:Number;
private var _scrollBar:MovieClip;
private var _scroller:MovieClip;
private var _scrollTrack:MovieClip;
private var _trackColor:Number;
private var _scrollerColor:Number;
private var _position:String;
private var _useScrollWheel:Boolean;

// events
public var onScrollDown:Function;
public var onScrollUp:Function;

// dummy properties to avoid senseless compiler errors from scrollContent method
private var parent:Object;
private var onEnterFrame:Object;
private var _y:Object;

* @author Devon O. Wolfgang
* @date 4/12/2007 7:30 PM
* @description creates a full screen scroll bar for use with full browser flash applications
* @param trackColor Number hexadecimal color of scrollbar track
* @param scrollerColor Number hexadecimal color of scrollbar scroller
* @param content MovieClip the content that will be scrolled
* @param easeAmount Number how much easing applied to scrolled content (1 = no ease, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY = way too much ease)
* @param position String either "left" or "right" - determines which side of browser scrollbar appears on
* @param useScrollWheel Boolean OPTIONAL specify whether or not scrollbar is mouse wheel enabled - default is false
* @usage var myScrollBar = OBO_FullScrollBar.createScrollBar(0x000000, 0x535353, scrollContent_mc, 3, "right", true);

private function OBO_FullScrollBar(trackColor:Number, scrollerColor:Number, content:MovieClip, easeAmount:Number, position:String, useScrollWheel:Boolean) {
if (position == undefined || (position != "right" && position != "left")) throw new Error("OBO_FullScrollBar error: constructor method requires five arguments. Two colors in hexadecimal number format, a content MovieClip, an amount of ease greater than zero, and a position, either \"left\" or \"right\". A useScrollWheel Boolean is optional.");

_trackColor = trackColor;
_scrollerColor = scrollerColor;
_content = content;
_easeAmount = (easeAmount > 0) ? Math.ceil(easeAmount) : 1;
_position = position;
_useScrollWheel = useScrollWheel || false;


private function initScroller():Void {
var sb:OBO_FullScrollBar = this;

_scroller.parent = sb;
_scroller.useHandCursor = false;

_scroller.onMouseWheel = function(d:Number) {
if (d > 0) {
if ((this._y - (d * 3)) >= 0){
this._y -= d * 3;
} else {
this._y = 0;
if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) this.onEnterFrame = this.parent.scrollContent;
} else {
if (((this._y + this._height) + (Math.abs(d) * 3)) <= Stage.height){
this._y += Math.abs(d) * 3;
} else {
this._y = Stage.height - this._height;
if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) this.onEnterFrame = this.parent.scrollContent;
if (_useScrollWheel) Mouse.addListener(_scroller);

_scroller.onPress = function() {
this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, 0, Stage.height - this._height);
this.onMouseMove = function() {
if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) this.onEnterFrame = sb.scrollContent;
_scroller.onRelease = _scroller.onReleaseOutside = function() {
delete this.onMouseMove;


private function scrollContent():Void {
var ty:Number = -((this.parent._content._height - Stage.height) * (this._y / this.parent._scrollValue));
var dist:Number = ty - this.parent._content._y;
var moveAmount:Number = dist / this.parent._easeAmount;
this.parent._content._y += moveAmount;

if (Math.abs(this.parent._content._y - ty) < .5) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.parent._content._y = Math.round(ty);

private function makeScrollBar() {
_scrollBar = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("sb"+Math.round(Math.ra ndom()*1000), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_scrollTrack = createTrack();
_scroller = createScroller();

private function createTrack():MovieClip {
var t:MovieClip = _scrollBar.createEmptyMovieClip("track", _scrollBar.getNextHighestDepth());

t.moveTo(0, 0);
t.lineTo(16, 0);
t.lineTo(16, 16);
t.lineTo(0, 16);

return t;

private function createScroller():MovieClip {
var s:MovieClip = _scrollBar.createEmptyMovieClip("scroller", _scrollBar.getNextHighestDepth());

s.moveTo(0, 0);
s.lineTo(16, 0);
s.lineTo(16, 16);
s.lineTo(0, 16);

return s;

* public methods

// singleton instantiation
public static function createScrollBar(tc:Number, sc:Number, c:MovieClip, e:Number, pos:String, sw:Boolean):OBO_FullScrollBar {
if (OBO_FSB == undefined) OBO_FSB = new OBO_FullScrollBar(tc, sc, c, e, pos, sw);
return OBO_FSB;

// adusts and repositions scrollbar. call this when stage or content movieclip is resized.
public function adjustSize():Void {
_scrollBar._x = (_position == "left") ? 0 : Stage.width - 16;
_scrollTrack._height = Stage.height;
_scroller._height = Math.ceil((Stage.height / _content._height) * Stage.height);
if ((_scroller._y + _scroller._height) > Stage.height) _scroller._y = Stage.height - _scroller._height;
_scroller._y = (_content._height < Stage.height) ? 0 : _scroller._y;
_scroller._visible = (_content._height < Stage.height) ? false : true;
_scroller.enabled = (_content._height < Stage.height) ? false : true;
_scrollValue = Stage.height - _scroller._height;
_content._y = -((_content._height - Stage.height) * (_scroller._y / _scrollValue));

// use just like MovieClip.swapDepths()
public function swapDepths(o:Object):Void {

// allows or disallows mouse wheel scrolling
public function set useScrollWheel(b:Boolean) {
if (b) {
} else {

public function get useScrollWheel():Boolean {
return _useScrollWheel;

// sets the movie clip that will be scrolled
public function set scrollTarget(targ:MovieClip):Void {
_content = targ;

public function get scrollTarget():MovieClip {
return _content;

// sets the amout of ease to use
public function set easeAmount(e:Number):Void {
_easeAmount = (e <=0 ) ? 1 : Math.ceil(e);

public function get easeAmount():Number {
return _easeAmount;

// sets the color of the scrollbar track
public function set trackColor(col:Number):Void {
var tColor_cxf:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
var trans_xf:Transform = new Transform(_scrollTrack);
_trackColor = col;
tColor_cxf.rgb = _trackColor;
trans_xf.colorTransform = tColor_cxf;

public function get trackColor():Number {
return _trackColor;

// sets the color of the scrollbar scroller
public function set scrollerColor(col:Number):Void {
var tColor_cxf:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
var trans_xf:Transform = new Transform(_scroller);
_scrollerColor = col;
tColor_cxf.rgb = _scrollerColor;
trans_xf.colorTransform = tColor_cxf;

public function get scrollerColor():Number {
return _scrollerColor;
