Okay I have this script to pull fro my flash file. The problem is due to space restrictions on the site I'm not able to show the full link in the text box. So what I'm trying to do is substr the text and then when they mouseover the text I want it to marquee so they can see the rest of the link. However my flash skills are still developing so I need a little help. I have everything working fine I'm just not sure how to make the box marquee.

var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML.onLoad = function(success) {
	if (success) {
		var node = myXML.firstChild.childNodes;
		var url1
		for (i=0; i<node.length; i++) {
			if(i == 0){
				txttitle.text = substr(0,7).node[i].attributes.name;
			if(i == 1){
				txtlink1.text = node[i].attributes.name;
				txtlink1.text = txtlink1.text.substr(0,37)+'...';
				url1 = node[i].attributes.url;
				link1.onRelease = function(){
					getURL(url1, "_top");
			if(i == 2){
				txtlink2.text = node[i].attributes.name;				
				url2 = node[i].attributes.url;
				link2.onRelease = function(){
					getURL(url2, "_top");
			if(i == 3){
				txtlink3.text = node[i].attributes.name;				
				url3 = node[i].attributes.url;
				link3.onRelease = function(){
					getURL(url3, "_top");
			if(i == 4){
				txtlink4.text = node[i].attributes.name;				
				url4 = node[i].attributes.url;
				link4.onRelease = function(){
					getURL(url4, "_top");