I have a flash movie that loads other swf files into a clip called "container". If the user clicks a button, it goes to another keyframe, calling another swf into "container." The problem is (I think) that the movies don't stay in the cache and they fully reload each time. So if you click a button to view a swf you've already viewed, it reloads as though it's never been loaded... If I'm not explaining this correctly, go to www.miroslavichphotography.com/home.html. "Babies loads as the default, so click another category, then back to "Babies" after the second one loads. Shouldn't they load quickly once they've already been downloaded? How can I avoid this?

In the main timeline, I have several keyframes with code like this:

the frame labeled "loadMe" in my preloader has the following code:

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	percent = (_parent.container.getBytesLoaded()/_parent.container.getBytesTotal())*100;
	if (!isNaN(percent)) {
		if (percent<1) {
			percent_txt.text = '';
		} else {
			percent_txt.text = Math.ceil(percent)+'% completed';
		this.loadBar._visible = true;
		this.loadBar._xscale = percent;
	if (percent>=100) {
		trace('Loading Completed!');
		delete this.onEnterFrame;
		percent_txt.text = '';
		this.loadBar._visible = false;
Much Thanks!