I know this question has been answered in several forms on this forum, but I haven't been able to find an answer that works in my case.

I have 6 movies that I want to load in to a swf and I want movie #2 to start playing when movie #1 is done, and so forth. I have tried this code, but it just replays the first movie again and again.

var tut01:tutorial01 = new tutorial01();
var target:DisplayObject;
var startTime:Number;
var duration:Number;


function clipDuration (duration:Number):void {
	tut01.duration = duration;
	target.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameListener);

function enterFrameListener (e:Event):void {
	var elapsed:Number = getTimer()-startTime;
	var percentDone:Number = elapsed/duration;
	if (percentDone == 1) {
		target.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameListener);

I have created six frames in the swf that is loading these movies (one for each movie), that's what the 'tutorial02' is referring to.

Thanks for any help!