
I have code like this :

[code = as]

private function removeBall() {

var _nameisplayObject = _container.getChildByName(obj._ballMC.name);

var _index = _container.getChildIndex(_name);
var _indexArray = IndexReturn(obj._ballMC,obj.indexArray);
obj.indexArray.splice(_indexArray, 1);
_name.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, oef);
_name = null
delete obj._ballMC


And this _ballMC object has his own oef event on his class where i check for collision with some other objects. When collision is true i play sound.

The problem is : when i removeChild(_index) and put a new _ballMC on stage, i hear two sounds for collision - i think that old _ballMC is still somewhere in memory - but i delete it and remove event OEF. What is wrong??
