I just realized din again rhymes quite well with diniden....

At any rate, I will use this thread to kinda show the progress of my engine that I'm working on. I will pose questions and all that jazz, and I hope to hear your input on what I've done so far.


Currently this example shows these features:

-All faces properly inserted into a bsp tree which handles all of the visual problems that may or may not arise and handles backface culling as well.

-simple lighting. This really isn't a lighting system in my opinion...it's basically the same procedure as a backface cull except we use the dot product to determine the color to choose in the HSL color scheme. Quite cheap but effective-ish. Isn't very pretty IMO

-Frustrum culling.

- Re-tessellation of the faces intersecting with the frustrum. I might be making use of bounding boxes soon or quad trees of some nature to help with the frustrum cull. Havn't got that far yet.

-background work: this engine was incorporated into my very spiffy object handling framework. So, it is easy to spawn copies of a 3D model and associate procedures with each one. Also, this structure has already laid the foundation for separating the differences of static and dynamic objects for helping with a much higher standard of optimization. I also have quite an effective way of assuring transforms not being repeated in a sequence of transforms that may occur on an object or even an individual vertex.

My next example that i will post will include my ability to use ASE files, and will fix the S and W buttons (looking up and down, the current example doesn't use the proper transform matrix on the frustrum...the next example will...sorry bout that)

And soon, I should have some weak to decent texturing set up.