Hi all.

I have a Flex application that has states defined in the main MXML file. I have a navigation custom component I created that dispatches events. I also created a custom Event object. I just want to simply move from one state to the next using a click function. Problem is.. now that I have moved the Navigation into its own MXML custom componet, I cant seem to get clicks to work to change states. The links work when I try change the code to display an alert. So the buttons work, just can't scope the States correctly. Here is the code.. if I havent confused you so far.

Main MXML Application code:
		<mx:State name="Home"/>
                <mx:State name="About"/>
			import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
			import mx.controls.Alert;
			import events.OptionSelectEvent;
			//public var selectedOptions:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
			private function optionHandler(event:OptionSelectEvent):void
				Alert.show("Navigation Shows", "Trace Alert");

				//var index:int = selectedOptions.getItemIndex(event.option);

	<comp:BXNavigation id="bxNav"
		 x="3" y="64"
Navigation Component Code:
			import events.OptionSelectEvent;
			private function clickHandler(event:Event):void
				var selection:String = event.target.label;
				var optionSelectEvent:OptionSelectEvent = new OptionSelectEvent("optionSelected", selection);

		[Event(name="optionSelected", type="events.OptionSelectEvent")]

<mx:LinkButton label="HOME"  
		x="47" y="18" 
	<mx:LinkButton label="ABOUT US" 
		x="204" y="18"  

Custom Event Code:
package events
	import flash.events.Event;

	public class OptionSelectEvent extends Event
		public var option:String;
		public function OptionSelectEvent(type:String, option:String)
			this.option = option;
		override public function clone():Event
			return new OptionSelectEvent(type, option);

I thank you for all your help with this issue. This will help me better understand the use of States and how to communicate to them from custom components.