I have a timer in my class file. Its suppose to refresh a movieclips position based on the x and y of a rectangle given by a physics engine running in the background. Its working just fine but the thing is im getting this output ever 10 milliseconds. Since that is what I set my timer for, im guessing its coming from the timer.

Here is the function.
PHP Code:
function refreshPositionF(e:TimerEvent):void
                if (
counterR == AD.numberOfProjects)
counterR 0;
bodyPosition:b2Vec2 cardB2[counterR].GetPosition();
bodyRotation:Number cardB2[counterR].GetAngle();
cardMC[counterR].= (bodyPosition.AD._Ratio) + 900;
cardMC[counterR].= (bodyPosition.AD._Ratio) + 1100;
cardMC[counterR].rotation bodyRotation * (180 Math.PI) % 360;
I get this every 10 milliseconds...
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
	at MethodInfo-672()
	at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
	at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
Any help would be appreciated thanks!