I am being a bit puzzled on figure out how to release temporary identifiers to recycle them.

For instances, suppose that I have 2 loops to instantiate dynamic mcs from library like this:

var zz:Number;

for (zz=0;zz<=4;zz++)
	var _mc:MovieClip = new clsSquare();
	_mc.name = "mcSquare"+zz;

for (zz=0;zz<=4;zz++)
	var _mc:MovieClip = new clsBall();
	_mc.name = "mcBall"+zz;
If I run this snippet of code, the compiler will complain and tell that I have a "Duplicate variable definition".

I cannot understand why it doesnt complain when it is redefined five times within the first loop, and just complain because the second lop.

Anyway, there is a way to release the _mc identifier then I can reuse it? I am an addicted to standartize names and recycle code...
