
I have a menu structure set up so that when the user hovers over and out the movie clip (menu item) changes colour.

My code is as follows:

function replace(str, find, replace) {
	return str.split(find).join(replace);
function toTitleCase(str) {
	return str.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
function formatTitle(title) {
	return 'Brooke Products' + (title != '' ? ' / ' + toTitleCase(replace(title, '/', ' / ')) : '');


SWFAddress.onChange = function() {
	var value = SWFAddress.getValue(); 
	var path = SWFAddress.getPath(); 
	var id = SWFAddress.getParameter('id');
		gotoAndStop('$' + value); 

function reActivateBtns() {
	lightweight.enabled = true;

changeOptionColor(lightweight, outColor);

var overColor:Number = 0xBB8748;
var outColor:Number = 0x000000;

function changeOptionColor (myOption:MovieClip, myColor:Number) {
	myOption.textLabel.textColor = myColor;

lightweight.onRollOver = function () {
	changeOptionColor(this, overColor);

lightweight.onRollOut = function () {
	changeOptionColor(this, outColor);

lightweight.onRelease = function () {


	changeOptionColor(this, overColor);
	this.enabled = false;
The problem i have run into is that i am trying to deeplink the pages using swfAddress. It works fine but if i enter the url to that direct section of the movie e.g. www.mysite.com/#lightweight, the lightweight menu link will show in its outcolor and not overcolor.

Any ideas on what ive missed here or how to accomplish this please?
